During Term 1 and 2, The APHS Year 9/10 Skills class was working hard on re-vamping the living classroom - an outdoor space for all students to enjoy.
Here are some before and after shots of the project.
After – Week 4 Term 2 Growing the plants
Both year 9 and 10 Skills hard at work. They almost return it to it’s original form using a range of tools and machinery, including whipper snipers, mowers, wood chippers
Mr Mercer and Ag class – propagating herbs this week for future use in the Living Classroom
Herb selling business – Year 10 Skills has been very successful and continues to grow each week all the sails men
Leeks in our veg mound 1
Veg mound 2 – cauliflowers
Veg mound 2 – strawberries
Various banana trees starting to bring a fair amount of fruit for the coming weeks
Year 9 Skills boys hard at work – Term 1