A Re imagining of a True Story

On a warm quiet morning in Maine, USA Eric Martina man of 53 was working at the local paper mill, whilst gathering equipment he reached to the top of a high shelf and accidentally threw his back out. as he fell to the ground he screamed in pain, fortunately his co workers heard him and called the paramedics, due to his injury he unfortunately had became disabled and was unable to walk again, Eric;s wife, Shelly hadn’t worked in many many years and the bills for Eric's treatment as well as their daughter Chelsea's school funds had gotten very expensive, fortunately, Shelly got a job in her home town of Palmyra, so after a week of packing their things, they sold the house and left to start a new life in Palmyra
Upon entering the town of Palmyra, Eric and Chelsea saw that it was a very small town that was home to at least 1200 people, they turned onto a very narrow, gravel road leading into their property. The car shook violently and as it started to calm down Chelsea saw that they were surrounded by large woodlands bordering their property. Eric parked the car, went to the trunk and one of his many guns to bring them inside, Shelly stopped him “oh no, you're not keeping the guns in the house, you have a barn you're gonna put your guns in there”, Eric giving in took them and placed them in the barn sitting down as they unpacked.
After a year of living there, Eric and Shelly developed a nightly ritual where they would sit on their wrap around porch and drink coffee. One night as they were talking Shelly spotted multiple flickering lights in the distant woodlands, as if all the animals lurking in the night had started staring at them. Eric takes notice of these lights and calls out his older son Sean who was staying the night “ HEY SEAN!”he yells, Sean comes outside “Hey do you think that's a poacher over there?” he asks pointing at the lights, Sean replies “i don't know, maybe” as he sees these lights in the gaps of the branches, they then decide to go down to the tree line, as they approach, Eric yells “HEY THIS IS PRIVATE PROPERTY YOU NEED TO LEAVE!”, The lights start to fade back into the forest. Eric and Sean then continue to walk a few metres deeper into the forest, Eric then begins to feel as if something is surrounding them and due to this feeling they decide to go back but unexpectedly they start to hear the sound of growling ahead of them. Suddenly to their left they start to hear rustling leaves as well as heavy footsteps and they quickly turn back to the house. Once they get inside they lock the door and they windows heading to bed and after a few minutes of trying to calm down after what happened the house goes quiet and they all go to sleep
Mid 2006
A month goes by and Nathan, Chelsea's boyfriend is staying the night at the Eric family's farm, during the day Nathan and Chelsea decide to explore the property and go into the woods with Nathans 2 dogs he had brought down with him, as they reach the tree line Chelsea released the dogs off their leash and after a few minutes of walking they appear struck as a large dirt mound images randomly in front of them, as they get closer, the dogs begin to quiet, suddenly they hear the eerie sound of growling from inside the mound, Nathan moves closer to take a second look at it and they realize its some sort of Den that has a hole in it center, Nathan then says “we got to go, I don't know what that is but we gotta go”, as soon as Nathan tells her that they all slowly back away, Chelsea grabs the dogs, attaches their leashes and slowly run back to the house to not draw attention, as they get back they tell Eric and Shelly about what happened, Eric then began to remember what happened a few months before and tells them about it and that they had heard a similar growling noise coming from that same area, they all dismiss it as some random animal and go on with their lives
Late 2006
Few months go by, Eric and Shelly are having coffee on their wrap around porch, as they are talking, Shelly mentions a very creepy fog drifting over the field in front of their house, all of a sudden, as they're talking it gets very quiet, unnaturally quiet, Shelly grabs a large flashlight bought and begins scanning the tree line, at that moment Eric then gets the feeling as if something is watching them “OK i don't know what this is but we should go inside” Shelly disagrees “we’ll go in soon just a few more minutes”, then Eric stands up “No we are going inside” whilst grabbing her arm pushing her inside, suddenly she stops, “Did you hear that” she says, at that moment Shelly grabs her flashlights and starts scanning the treeline once again. As she reaches about halfway through she sees something. Three figures staring at them. Shelly then accidentally flicks the switch turning off the flashlight and in a blink of an eye these three creatures starts charging straight toward them, CRASH, Shelly drops the flashlight in shock, forgetting about it they then rush inside, Eric locks the doors, turns off all the lights and closes all the curtains, Shelly then rushes upstairs going to Chelsea's room waking her up “sorry to wake you but you have to come see this”, as Chelsea gets up, her and Shelly approach one of the windows and peaks out at these creatures that there are now five of, whilst peeking out the window one of the creatures spots them and gets up on its hind legs staring directly at them, Shelly stumbles back closing the curtain, Shelly in fear grabs her daughters shoulders forcing her against the wall and sitting her down “Don't you dare go anywhere near that window!” Shelly exclaims taking a few minutes to take in the situation
Eric paced down stairs, thinking about what to do next, the first thought was to get his guns that are in the barn to protect the family but if doing so he would have to run to the barn as he could barely walk properly due to his injury but he’d also have to unlock the barn, unlock the storage container he had his guns stored in, leaving plenty of time for these creatures to charge and attack him, he then moved toward one of the windows peeking out the blinds and as he looked he saw nothing… they were gone, looking further toward the field he saw them, all five creatures had gone back to where they had originally been seen, Eric then thinks this is the perfect opportunity to actually go out to his truck, back up to the front door so Shelly and Chelsea can get in and they can drive away, Eric deciding this opens the door and slowly walking out to his truck staring at the creatures as hes walking, once he gets to his car he grabs his keys and try's to unlock it but his hands are violently shaking in fear and as he presses the button his motion censor lights kick on and drops the keys and right as he drops them he stares at the creatures and suddenly one of them turns their head toward him staring straight into his eyes and in a split second it starts charging at him, Eric forgetting about his keys rushes back as fast as he could as this creature is a few meters behind him, he gets inside slamming the door shut locking it, “WHATS GOING ON” Shelly yells whilst walking downstairs, Eric in fear grabs a sharp knife from the kitchen and rushes upstairs pushing Shelly up the stairs, as they get upstairs Eric tells Chelsea and Shelly to stay backed up against the wall, Eric slowly walks toward the window looking out that all 5 creatures have huddled together on the gravel gravel path, Eric backs away and sits with Shelly and Chelsea comforting them, Shelly reaches on Chelsea’s side table grabbing the home phone dialing 911, whilst on the phone she says that there is something on their property, the police tell her to just lock everything up and not go outside telling her that it will most likely be solved by morning, as the operator hangs up, Shelly feels empty like theres no use to anything, like they have nothing else to do and that everything is useless, Eric decides that they will all get up and move to the master bedroom which has a considerably less amount of windows and decide to wait it out till morning, they crawl toward the master bedroom making sure not to be seen through the surrounding windows, once they get to the room they huddle toward the wall and begin waiting for morning to come.
Once they get settled and try to fall asleep suddenly a large crash occurs sounding like it came from outside, not risking getting seen by the creatures they all stay in the room and wait till morning, few minutes go by and through the thin curtains of the window in the master bedroom the shadow of one of the creatures appears walking along the window sill, the creatures had gotten on the porch roof circling the top floor, as they searched for them Eric, Shelly and Chelsea lay staring at the creatures shadows passing the windows, sounds of scratching and clawing surround their ears, after a few hours of these creatures going back and forth searching the house Shelly and Chelsea had gotten so tired they both fell asleep, at 4am all sounds suddenly stopped, it went dead quiet, and the sun started rising and rays of light began flooding the room and Eric began to fall asleep.
Eric woke up, it was 3 hours after the sounds had stopped and the sun had risen, Eric slowly got up and looked out the window, all the creatures had left and were all gone, Eric rushes back to the master bedroom wakes Shelly and Chelsea and they go downstairs, as they open the front door they walk out shocked as to what they see, their entire house is covered in large scratches from the front door and even to the roof, tufts of hair caught on fence gates and large footprints along the gravel road, as they start walking back inside and have time to comprehend it all, Eric notices that all but one of the hinges on the front door had been snapped and broken but fortunately the sun had risen before they could break the last hinge, the hinge that saved their lives…
The End
Sounds in the Forests of Palmyra
Based on true events
The Martin family story from 2005 has been covered by many new outlets over the years, YouTube channels and TV shows such as the Syfy Channel have covered it and is still a mystery till this day…