Recently, the new horror film ‘Smile’ was released to audiences to scare everyone and make people never want to smile again…and how effective it was!
The movie Smile is based around this hallucination that only the person it's trying to kill can see no one else can see it and if you take too long to kill someone else it takes control and kills you itself it's basically suicide and if it kills you in front of someone they get the monster and will eventually die. Cool, right? No, actually - it’s horrifying!!
The reason why smile is more scary compared to other movies is because you don't know what's going on until you watch the movie until the end, and it's weird because of the hallucinations there and the way it happens so fast it's just unbelievable because you see what just happened. Unfortunately, I won’t be spoiling the ending today. You will have to see the film to find out what happens. Trust me, it will bring a smile to your face.
Another reason why Smile is one of the best horror movies yet is because it surprises us the entire way through. By sending people out to football games and baseball games smiling the whole time will make you think you are next to one of its victims and the jump scares there are extraordinary! My friend (who shall remain nameless) leapt out of his chair on numerous occasions, like there was some kind of electric volt being sent up his spine. One of the scariest scenes was the sister car scene where she bends her head to scare you. Or how about the one in the middle of the night? Not to spoil it, but she scares her and says Boo and falls off the chair.
One it's a really good movie and if it's still in cinema watch it at night time so its so much scarier.
Overall, I’m going to give this a 10/10.
Written by the APHS horror expert - Jhett Skelly