Shin Godzilla is a 2016 Japanese monster movie directed by Hideaki Anno and Shinji Higuchi based on the popular movie monster Godzilla. After nuclear waste is dumped into the oceans around Japan Godzilla a prehistoric reptile is exposed to nuclear radiation and emerges into Tokyo bay destroying everything in its path while constantly evolving into a more immortal and indestructible monster
Backstory of Character
Godzilla, also known as Gojira has been a popular movie monster for close to 70 years, there have been 33 Japanese Godzilla movies as well as 5 American films produced by Tri Star and Legendary films, but as of December 1st this year there will be 39 Godzilla movies in total with Toho (the company who created Godzilla) releasing there new Godzilla Movie Godzilla: Minus One taking place 2 years after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nakasaki in 1945, Godzilla is an interesting character, with his first ever movie appearance in Tohos Gojira In 1954 appearing as the main antagonist after being awaken by Japans Nuclear tests in the fifties Godzilla has been an icon for movie monsters and has had multiple incarnation but one of the most interesting ones is Shin Godzilla with the creatures constant evolving throughout the film.
Shin Godzilla is an amazing film and is one of the best Godzilla movies i've ever seen. Even though Godzilla only has a small amount of screen time, when watching his scenes it feels like they go on for double the screentime. This film has some of the greatest practical effects i've seen in a movie and has some of the greatest landscape shots within a film, the films 2 hour runtime including credits makes this one of the most detailed and in depth Godzilla movie since the original and while watching makes you really take in the information of not only Godzilla but the human protagonist as well, all around the film is spectacular and is definitely worth a watch for any monster movie fan as well as fans of Japanese culture and entertainment.
Although the film does have a lot of positives the negatives of the film still exist, for some audiences this may not be suitable for you as the movie is fully in Japanese and it may be hard reading all the english Subtitles throughout the film, also with the films 2 hour runtime for some audience it may fell a bit dragged out, another problem is Godzillas lack of screentime, with Godzilla only having an estimate of 9 to 10 minutes of screentime but even with the small amount of time the monster is on screen it makes up with how amazing the scenes are.
My overall opinion
In my honest opinion this movie is really good and has some of the best visuals i've seen in a Godzilla movie since Godzilla King of the Monsters in 2019, not only does this movie portray an amazing representation of Godzilla it also represents the fear Godzilla can have on screen and has some of the greatest destruction I've seen in a Godzilla movie.
Overall: 9/10